Know Pariyatti and why Pariyatti education is important in Buddhism.

Do you know pariyatti

Pariyatti education refers to the study and understanding of the teachings and texts of Buddhism. It is the traditional method of learning and understanding religion through the study of its texts, commentaries, and teachings. This type of education is typically offered by monasteries and other Buddhist institutions and can include formal study programs, classes, and retreats. The goal of Pariyatti education is to gain knowledge and understanding of Buddhist teachings in order to apply them in daily life and achieve spiritual development.

What is the of Pariyatti?

Pariyatti is a Pali word that comes from two words “pari” meaning “around” and “yatti” meaning “to go” or “to study“. In Buddhism, it refers to the study and understanding of the theoretical principles and teachings of Buddhism. It’s the study of the scriptures, commentaries, and teachings of Buddhism.

Pariyatti education is considered one of the two main vehicles for the attainment of enlightenment in Buddhism, the other one is Patipatti (practice). Pariyatti education provides the understanding of the teachings and the theoretical background, while Patipatti education is the actual practice of those teachings in daily life. Both are considered complementary and necessary for the attainment of enlightenment.

In summary, Pariyatti education refers to the study of the theoretical principles and teachings of Buddhism, which includes the study of texts, commentaries, and teachings, and it’s considered one of the two main vehicles for the attainment of enlightenment in Buddhism.

There are various types of Pariyatti education, each with its own unique focus and approach. Some examples include:

  1. Theravada Buddhism: This type of education focuses on the study of the Pali Canon, the earliest collection of Buddhist texts, as well as commentaries and treatises written in Pali.
  2. Mahayana Buddhism: This type of education focuses on the study of the Mahayana sutras, a collection of texts that are considered to be the highest teachings of the Buddha.
  3. Tibetan Buddhism: This type of education focuses on the study of the Tibetan Buddhist canon, which includes both the teachings of the Buddha as well as the commentaries and treatises written by Tibetan masters.
  4. Zen Buddhism: This type of education focuses on the study of the Zen texts, as well as the practice of meditation and the cultivation of mindfulness.
  5. Pure Land Buddhism: This type of education focuses on the study of the Pure Land sutras, which teach that recitation of the name of the Buddha Amitabha can lead to rebirth in the Western Pure Land, a place of peace and joy.
  6. Nichiren Buddhism : This type of education focuses on the study of the Lotus Sutra and the practice of chanting “Nam-myoho-renge-kyo” as a means to attain enlightenment.

It is worth noting that, while these are some of the main types of Pariyatti education, there are many other variations and sub-types within each tradition.

Uses of Pariyatti education

Pariyatti education refers to the study and understanding of the theoretical principles and teachings of Buddhism. It can be used to gain a deeper understanding of the religion and its practices, to develop mindfulness and meditation skills, and to improve one’s ethical and moral conduct. Additionally, it can be used as a way to gain insight into the nature of reality and to cultivate compassion and wisdom.

How to study Pariyatti Education?

There are several ways to study Pariyatti education:

  1. Reading and studying Buddhist texts: This can include the Pali Canon, which is the collection of texts that contain the teachings of the Buddha, as well as commentaries and other texts written by later scholars.
  2. Attending classes or workshops: Many Buddhist centers and organizations offer classes and workshops on different aspects of Buddhism and its teachings.
  3. Practicing meditation: Meditation is an important aspect of Buddhism and can be used to gain insight and understanding into the teachings.
  4. Joining a study group: Studying with others can provide a supportive environment for discussing and understanding the teachings.
  5. Practicing ethical conduct: Living according to the Five Precepts and following the Eightfold Path can help to put the teachings into practice.
  6. Meeting with a teacher: A teacher or mentor can provide guidance and answer questions about the teachings.
  7. Joining a monastic community: Monastic communities provide a unique opportunity for the intensive study and practice of Buddhism.
How to study Pariyatti education?
How to study Pariyatti education?

Who can study Pariyatti education?

Anyone can study Pariyatti education, regardless of their background or beliefs. Buddhism is an open and inclusive religion that welcomes people from all walks of life. While traditionally, monastic communities have been the main centers of Buddhist learning and practice, laypeople have also been studying and practicing Buddhism for centuries.

It is not necessary to convert to Buddhism in order to study Pariyatti education, but it can be helpful to have an open and curious mind and to approach the teachings with an attitude of respect and willingness to learn.

Additionally, many Buddhist centers and organizations offer classes and resources specifically designed for beginners, which can make it easier for people new to the religion to get started.

In addition to being open to people of all backgrounds and beliefs, Pariyatti education can be beneficial for different individuals in different ways. For example,

  • For those who are seeking personal development, studying Buddhism can provide tools for cultivating inner peace, developing greater awareness and understanding of oneself, and improving one’s relationships with others.
  • For those who are looking for meaning and purpose in life, Buddhism can offer a deeper understanding of the nature of reality and a path for spiritual growth and enlightenment.
  • For those who are dealing with personal difficulties, such as stress, anxiety, or depression, Buddhism can offer a way to develop inner strength, resilience, and compassion.
  • For those who are interested in different cultures and religions, studying Buddhism can provide a window into the spiritual and cultural traditions of the East.

In summary, studying Pariyatti education can be an enriching and transformative experience for anyone who is open to learning and willing to put the teachings into practice.

Is Pariyatti Education true?

Pariyatti education is based on the teachings of the Buddha, which are considered to be true by many Buddhists. The teachings are believed to offer a path to understanding the nature of reality and to achieving spiritual liberation. However, the truth of these teachings is ultimately a matter of personal belief and faith.

It’s important to note that Pariyatti education is not only about believing in certain principles, but also it’s about understanding and putting them into practice. The ultimate goal of Buddhism is to achieve spiritual liberation or enlightenment, and that is something that can be experienced and verified through one’s own practice and experience.

It’s important to keep an open-minded attitude and to approach the teachings with critical thinking and curiosity. One can always question, test, and verify the teachings for oneself.

Can we attain salvation through Pariyatti education?

Pariyatti education is a study of the theoretical principles and teachings of Buddhism, which includes the study of texts, teachings, and commentaries. It can be used as a tool to gain a deeper understanding of the religion and its practices, to develop mindfulness and meditation skills, and to improve one’s ethical and moral conduct. However, it is not the only way to attain salvation in Buddhism, it’s considered one of the two main vehicles for the attainment of enlightenment, and the other one is Patipatti (practice).

In Buddhism, salvation or enlightenment is referred to as “Nirvana“, which is the ultimate goal of Buddhism. The path to Nirvana is the Eightfold Path, which includes the right understanding, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration.

Pariyatti education can provide a deeper understanding of the principles and teachings of Buddhism, but it is not enough on its own. It must be combined with the practice of meditation and ethical conduct in order to put the teachings into practice and ultimately achieve enlightenment or salvation.

Note: To attain salvation one should go into the reign of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj and take Naam Upadesh (name initiation) for complete salvation. Kabir is a supreme god who is only capable to provide salvation.

Can I study Pariyatti?

Yes, anyone can study Pariyatti education regardless of their background or beliefs. Buddhism is an open and inclusive religion that welcomes people from all walks of life. While traditionally, monastic communities have been the main centers of Buddhist learning and practice, laypeople have also been studying and practicing Buddhism for centuries.

It is not necessary to convert to Buddhism in order to study Pariyatti education, but it can be helpful to have an open and curious mind and to approach the teachings with an attitude of respect and willingness to learn.

There are several ways to study Pariyatti education such as reading and studying Buddhist texts, attending classes or workshops, practicing meditation, joining a study group, practicing ethical conduct, meeting with a teacher, and joining a monastic community.

If you are interested in studying Pariyatti, you can start by reading some of the Buddhist texts, such as the Dhammapada, the Sutta Pitaka, or the Visuddhimagga. You can also look for local Buddhist centers or organizations that offer classes and workshops on different aspects of Buddhism and its teachings.

Keep in mind that Pariyatti education is not only about understanding the teachings but also about putting them into practice, it must be combined with the practice of meditation and ethical conduct to achieve the ultimate goal of Buddhism which is enlightenment.

Where to go for Pariyatti education?

There are several places where you can go for Pariyatti education:

  1. Buddhist Centers and Temples: Many Buddhist centers and temples offer classes and workshops on different aspects of Buddhism and its teachings. These centers are often affiliated with a specific tradition or school of Buddhism and may offer both introductory and advanced classes.
  2. Universities and Colleges: Some universities and colleges offer courses on Buddhism and its teachings as part of their Religious Studies or Asian Studies programs.
  3. Online Resources: There are many online resources available for studying Buddhism, including websites, podcasts, and online courses. These resources can be a great option for people who don’t have access to a local Buddhist center or who prefer to study at their own pace.
  4. Monastic communities: Many monasteries offer the opportunity for individuals to stay for a longer period of time and study and practice Buddhism in depth, with experienced teachers.
  5. Retreat centers: Some centers offer retreats which can be a great way to immerse oneself in the study and practice of Buddhism.

It’s good to check the reviews and read the description of the center, course or teacher and make sure it aligns with what you are looking for and it’s in your area.

Summary of Pariyatti education

Pariyatti education is the study and understanding of the theoretical principles and teachings of Buddhism. It includes the study of texts, commentaries, and teachings, and is considered one of the two main vehicles for the attainment of enlightenment in Buddhism, the other one being Patipatti (practice). It’s the study of the scriptures, commentaries, and teachings of Buddhism.

Anyone can study Pariyatti education, regardless of their background or beliefs. It’s not necessary to convert to Buddhism in order to study Pariyatti education, but it can be helpful to have an open and curious mind and to approach the teachings with an attitude of respect and willingness to learn.

Meaning of Pariyatti
Meaning of Pariyatti

Pariyatti education can be studied in many ways such as reading and studying Buddhist texts, attending classes or workshops, practicing meditation, joining a study group, practicing ethical conduct, meeting with a teacher, and joining a monastic community. To find a suitable center or teacher, you can start by looking at Buddhist centers and temples, universities and colleges, online resources, and monasteries.

It’s important to keep in mind that Pariyatti education is not only about understanding the teachings but also about putting them into practice, it must be combined with the practice of meditation and ethical conduct to achieve the ultimate goal of Buddhism which is enlightenment.

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